June 28/29, 2005

Walking down a path with my parents. It reminds me of the drive North to Tlell but there's not really a road. At one point, I look back and my dad's behind us. Mom tells me he's stopped to do some shopping or something. We continue on, and on the left are some girls playing soccer. The ground's covered in snow now, and the ball sails just to our left and stops in a drift. Mom goes to kick it back, and misses completely. We laugh a bit. I try to kick it, and just barely nick it, so it flies about two feet and stops again. I try again, and send it back, but we're both laughing like crazy. We keep walking, and come to a parking lot on the right, with a bookstore ahead. There's a guy pulling up in a Hummer, and he's talking away on the phone. I angle into the space, and pretend to jump out of the way because he's not paying attention. I jump right up on the hood, and I can hear him on the phone freaking out to somebody. He says "I'll never do that again!" We go inside, and I hold the door for the guy, like nothing's happened. It's kind of a small place, with a few people inside. We go to the left, where there's a little table and a couple of rooms. I sit down at the table, and Mom heads to the washroom. The guy goes to the other washroom, so I'm sitting there alone. A woman comes up and asks me if I want something to drink. I can see in the other room, a little kitchenette, and they have a bunch of kinds of tea, but I want something chocolaty and creamy, but not hot chocolate.

Barking dog wakes me up.