March 28/29, 2005

Walking through swampy forest land. Lots of green around. I duck under a low-hanging branch and come up to a small wooden door, rounded at the top. I knock a couple of times, and step back a little ways. I'm about to leave, but then the door opens a shade. Myles peeks his head around. I ask him if his mom and dad are home, and he tells me to come in. Lars and Skylar are sitting at a big wooden dinner table, not talking to each other. She's eating. Myles tells me “look, here's how I saw you!” We turn around and look at the door. At kids-eye height are a bunch of tiny glass viewers, and one in the middle with a cover on it. I look in, and can see a scene from somewhere else. Each viewer is looking on a different place (Piazza San Marco?). I tell him I can see him in one, and that totally cracks him up. He runs into the room, cackling madly, and then runs back to the left and jumps on a couch. Lars nods, and goes into another room. Skylar's still eating, and watching Harry Potter on a TV along the right wall. I just hang out and wait. Eventually she finishes, and comes over. She asks if she can take my coat, and I tell her I was just dropping by to say hi. She tells me to follow her. We go to another room, and she asks if I'm ok. I say yeah, and apologize for just showing up - "you must have visitors all the time." I notice a Christmas tree in the corner, and ask how she is, and how Christmas went. She says pretty good, and makes a motion with her hands like grabby kids.

Sitting on the slope of a grassy hill, facing up. Sunny day. A few people around, mom, BP, just hanging out. There's a fair going on or something. In the distance, I can see a stunt plane doing tricks. It has a sign on it with changing text, very readable. I point it out to the people around me. We look up, and the sign says HELLO. It does a loop, and the sign changes to SIMULATION CRASH or something. The plane swings around and starts heading straight for us. People are panicking and diving out of the way, but it swings overhead and off into the sky. BP's sitting beside me, stroking my left leg and talking. She gets closer, right beside me, and tells me what the girl sitting by F&J, over to the right, did to her, as she moves higher and higher up my leg.

More, but can't remember. In the basement on 86th Ave. with another guy and my dad, who is hooking up cable to a TV he just got. People are coming in and out. A friend of mine goes for a smoke, and then comes back. I head outside, and see my brother smoking. He makes some excuse. There's a stone wall to the right, with parts jutting out horizontally on the top. I jump up and have my arms out to the sides, hanging on to two of the outcroppings, but I'm too tired to pull myself up, so I just hang there. I turn around so my back's to the wall. People are coming up from the right. When I look down, I'm high off the ground - maybe 20 or 30 feet. Too far to fall. A couple of people come over, and jump up on the wall. They tell me to jump down, and do it to show me. When I look over, I see they're only three feet off the ground, which is a grassy hill right up to the base of the wall, but I know it's only an illusion, and if I jump, I'll fall much farther than that. After a little while, I struggle up on top of the wall and look for a way to get down. At the back, it slopes downward, and is fairly close to the ground. There's a padded outdoor chair nearby, so I jump down onto that. There's another, lower, wall on my left, and I walk back between them. BP is there to see me.

On a city bus, in the back. I have my laptop, looking stuff up, but I just turned it off. I walk toward the middle of the bus, and on my right side, two or three people sitting down talk to me. They say my mom's not coming back. I freak out, but they laugh and say it's ok. Somebody named an oil tanker after her, but some funny thing is wrong with it, and she's too embarrassed to come back. I want to check out more, so I sit down on the right side just behind the rear doors. I have a green cat5 cable running from across the aisle in front of the doors, and it's in the way. Some woman is trying to get out. I go over to the left side, and plug in there. The seat in front of me opens up, and I move there. RB sits down with a couple of her friends. She needs some stuff plugged in, so I grab the cords. The whole wall of the bus to my left is filled with different kinds of ports - everything you could ever need. She needs keyboard/mouse, and it's just PS2, but the ports looks really old to me for some reason.