February 16/17, 2005

Walking North on 9th Street. It's nice out. I was going to buy some food, but my mom made me lunch, which I'm carrying. I get to Garneau School, and go in the second floor. It's now a bookstore. I'm with a female friend, and we go up to the checkout counter. There's a blonde girl there having issues with a female clerk. We stand beside her for a bit. A guy comes up behind the counter and asks if he can help us. We say no, that we're with the other girl. He asks if we can stay out of the way then. I look around, and there's nobody behind us. I tell him not to be a dick, and he apologizes. The girls finish screaming at each other, and we head elsewhere into the store. We don't know this girl, but she's cute, so I might hang out with her a bit. As we walk along, I see she's meeting a bunch of friends. There are 10 or 15 people sitting around chatting. I feel like reading, and have a couple of good books in my backpack, so I head off. I go to a corner of the floor, and walk down a staircase. Then I'm outside, and it's winter, although pretty nice out.

A bunch of people from Jr. High are playing soccer, and I join them. We play for a bit, and then split into weird groups, like teams of 3. Two forwards, one back. More, but can't remember.