February 4/5, 2005

Flying in an airplane, 747-ish, with my parents. I look out the window and see something large in the distant sky, above and behind us. Nobody's sure what it is. Then the plane levels out, and we see it's an aircraft carrier in the water. Not sure if we're going to land there or not. We keep flying on though. The plane is very low over the water for its size. There's a large city in the distance, right on the water. As we fly toward it, we pass over many boats, of all different sizes. I mention some city I think it is (in Italy?), but somebody says it's London. I believe them. The plane lands on a city street, and keeps driving. Then we come up to an overpass walkway between two buildings, with great doors underneath, and I realize we're walking now, which makes sense since there's no way the plane would fit. We walk along the sidewalk on the right-hand side of the street.

Then we're in a mall. The stores are open, but I don't remember seeing many people, if any. Doesn't seem strange though. The corridor heads to the right; on the left is a store up a few feet, with a railing along the side of the walkway. There's a small flight of stairs, maybe 3 or 4, white, to the right and continuing on. On the top stair is a printed piece of paper, with two portrait photos of men. Next to each picture, on the right, it says I'll get 30 and 50 points respectively if I see them and remember their faces. We walk on to the right, an almost 90-degree turn. At the end of the hallway, we enter a store. It's sport clothing and that kind of stuff. There are piles of clothes in bins in the back, and we're digging through them, looking for something. I know what it is in the dream, but don't remember now. There's a salesman on the floor, and we ask him about something.

Then we leave. We're back out on the street, trying to retrace our steps, but it's not the same road we were on. We get to a T-intersection, and I notice the street sign - the name is slightly different from the one we want, like New Whatever Path instead of Whatever Path. We head down the other street, but I know we're still not on the right one.