January 19/20, 2005

A&L had another kid. He looks exactly like N. Clone-like close. He's also large (grown), and it's difficult to tell them apart sometimes. N. is upset and jealous. When I pick up the other kid, he freaks out, crying, and says that's HIS way to be picked up. I see a little timer, like two datestamps on the bottom of a screen, and it shows it took less than a second for him to get upset.

I'm in a supermarket. It's packed. I have an empty cart, and I'm trying to navigate the crowds. There are lines of people all over the place. I'm ducking under the ropes, trying to get by. I have to shove a cart out of the way, and somebody else with a basket ducks under too. I go down a long aisle, with people on either side, and to the checkout. I only have two things in my cart, and I forgot to get cheese. There's some about 20 feet in front of me, but I don't want to deal with it. The cashier tells me I've purchased a thousand dollars worth of cheese in the last two months or something. I'm not surprised. I give her a twenty. On the ledge in front of me, I find two bucks, but it's mine.

Another couple, but unmemorable.